
6th March 2018



Downsizing is something traditionally associated with what happens when you retire, however we are now noticing more and more of the younger generation are also affected by this. Be it just the modern day minimalistic way of living, the now tiny city centre apartments or the house move when your flock finally flees the nest. 


When having to downsize, it can be very difficult and stressful when deciding what to keep and what to discard, but this is when self storage units can really come in handy. A self storage unit can be used in the short term to help organise and sort your belongings and then in the longer term to store sentimental or expensive items that you can`t bear to part with.


A couple of useful tips that we think will help when it comes time to downsize –

We would advise you to go one room at a time to help break up the workload when deciding what to do with your belongings. 

Split everything into 3 groups, one: things that you need and use every day, two: things that you want to keep in storage & three: things that you don`t want to keep to be thrown away or given to charity. 

Have Help!  It`s always good to get someone along to help who can be a bit more objective and less sentimental when it comes in deciding what to keep or not.


When moving house to a smaller property, some people are fortunate enough to find a buyer on their home and then find their perfect new smaller home quickly. However most of the time it doesn`t happen this way and can be a long drawn out process.  House selling “experts” will encourage you to declutter your home as soon as it goes on the market to make your home look as big and clutter free for potential buyers.  


Whether you are just thinking about downsizing or are already in the process and you think that self storage may be able to help then give a call to one of our team and we will always be happy to help.